Malignant hyperthermia induced by curare Beverley A. BrittG. E. WebbC. LeDuc OriginalPaper Pages: 371 - 375
Fractures of the larynx in children F. Y. DalalG. B. SchmidtS. Levitsky OriginalPaper Pages: 376 - 378
The effects of high dose morphine and morphine plus nitrous oxide on urinary output in man Theodore H. StanleyNeal H. GrayRobert Lordon OriginalPaper Pages: 379 - 384
The effect of post-anaesthetic dreaming on patient acceptance of ketamine anaesthesia: A comparison with thiopentone-nitrous oxide anaesthesia Michael Krestow OriginalPaper Pages: 385 - 389
Central nervous systems’ effects of isoflurane (forane) Eva M. KavanRobert M. Julien OriginalPaper Pages: 390 - 402
Anaesthesia for occipital encephalocoele R. E. CreightonJ. E. S. ReltonH. W. Meridy OriginalPaper Pages: 403 - 406
Cataract extractions without tracheal intubation A. E. DelilkanS. Chandran OriginalPaper Pages: 407 - 416
Selective sacral nerve blocks in the management of “uninhibited neurogenic bladder” John F. GreenHerbert J. GrennellSaid A. Awad OriginalPaper Pages: 417 - 420
Blood volume and capacitance vessel compliance in the quadraplegic patient J. W. DesmondA. K. Laws OriginalPaper Pages: 421 - 426
A bibliography of the history of surgical anaesthesia in Canada supplement to dr Roland’s checklist Akimoto MatsukiElemér K. Zsigmond OriginalPaper Pages: 427 - 430