Management of major hepatic resection in infants and children report of sixteen cases Yvon TurmelS. MoussaH. Blanchard OriginalPaper Pages: 419 - 430
Malignant hyperthermia: an investigation of five patients Beverley A. BrittWerner KalowN. Barry Rewcastle OriginalPaper Pages: 431 - 467
Anaesthesia for intracranial aneurysms with hypotension and spontaneous respiration G. R. SelleryR. R. AitkenC. G. Drake OriginalPaper Pages: 468 - 478
Effect of premedication on duration of anaesthesia with halogenated vapours: Chloroform, trichlorethylene, halothane, methoxyflurane, enflurane (Ēthrane) and isoflurane (Forane) Ducksook KimAllen B. Dobkin OriginalPaper Pages: 479 - 493
Blood serum fluoride levels with enflurane (Ēthrane) and isoflurane (Forane) anaesthesia during and following major abdominal surgery Allen B. DobkinDucksook KimAshley A. Levy OriginalPaper Pages: 494 - 498
A clinical study of serum magnesium concentrations during anaesthesia and cardiopulmonary bypass R. K. CalverleyL. C. JenkinsK. Sarudny OriginalPaper Pages: 499 - 518
Nerve conduction velocity in the dog during hypothermia: Effects of controlled hypercapnia Kunio IchiyanagiDochil LeeLucien E. Morris OriginalPaper Pages: 519 - 527
Central nervous system effects of althesin (CT 1341): A new steroid anaesthetic agent Eva M. KavanRobert M. JulienH. W. Elliott OriginalPaper Pages: 528 - 538
Effects of gallamine on plasma cortisol and catecholamine levels in man Akitomo MatsukiSarla P. KotharyLouise Vadnay OriginalPaper Pages: 539 - 545
Evaluation of positive end-expiratory pressure therapy in the adult respiratory distress syndrome E. G. KingR. L. JonesD. A. Patakas OriginalPaper Pages: 546 - 558
Inhibition of the effect of oxytocin by methoxyflurane in vitro Per H. Rosenberg OriginalPaper Pages: 559 - 565
Uterine rupture during extradural blockade Karl -Ludwig EcksteinSamuel G. OberlanderGertie F. Marx OriginalPaper Pages: 566 - 568
A comparison of venturi and side-arm ventilation in anaesthesia for bronchoscopy Edward CardenWalter W. BurnsTed Carson OriginalPaper Pages: 569 - 574
Evolution of a Provincial Committee on Anaesthetic and Operative Deaths. Alberta 1952–1972 J. W. R. McIntyre OriginalPaper Pages: 578 - 585
Canadian Anaesthetist's Society Prize — 1972 Douglas B. CraigW. M. WahbaHillary Don Erratum Pages: 590 - 590