The address given by dr. Wesley Bourne on the occasion oF the annual dinner of the canadian anaesthetists’ socmty at toronto, june 21, 1955 Editorial Pages: 297 - 300
A method of anaesthesia and hypothermia in cerebral vascular surgery S. L. VandewaterE. H. BotterellW. M. Lougheed OriginalPaper Pages: 319 - 326
Chlorpromazine and promethazine in obstetrics John J. CarrollPeter W. Hudson OriginalPaper Pages: 340 - 346
Anaesthesia for the surgical correction of congenital heart disease Code Smith OriginalPaper Pages: 347 - 353
The combined use of nisentil® hydrochloride and levallorphan tartrate for the supplementation of nitrous oxide-oxygen anaesthesia Francis F. FoldesMark SwerdlowLeo A. Pirx OriginalPaper Pages: 362 - 365
A new technique of intubation for the prevention of contralateral infection during lung surgery Léon Longtin OriginalPaper Pages: 373 - 377