The cardio-respiratory effects of thoracic epidural anaesthesia W. M WahbaD. B. CraigM. R. Becklake OriginalPaper Pages: 8 - 19
An anaesthetic application of serum digoxin radioimmunoassay Roderick K. Calverley OriginalPaper Pages: 20 - 34
Unintended exposure to halothane in surdcal patients: Halothane washout studies Hanna M. SamulksaSamala RamaiahWilliam H. Noble OriginalPaper Pages: 35 - 41
The cardiovascular responses to the addition of nitrous oxide to diethyl ether in man N. Ty SmithEdmond I. EceRDavid J. Cullen OriginalPaper Pages: 42 - 48
Carbon dioxide and large volume ventilation in the management of patients undergoing cardiac surgery Barbara LiptonMelvin Kahn OriginalPaper Pages: 49 - 59
The effect of methoxyflurane on baroreflex control of heart rate in man G. MlttlerJ. Wade OriginalPaper Pages: 60 - 65
The interaction between d-tubocurarine and gallamine during halothane anaesthesia M. M. GhoneimR. B. UrgenaJ. P. Long OriginalPaper Pages: 66 - 74
The effect of a series of anti-cancer drugs on plasma cholinesterase activity Elemer K. ZsigmondGary Robins OriginalPaper Pages: 75 - 82
Anaesthesia for microlaryngoscopy and definitive surgery R. RajagofalanFoster SmithP. R. Ramachandran OriginalPaper Pages: 83 - 86
Postoperative analgesia — comparison of methotrimeprazine (nozinan®) and meperidine (demerol®) as postoperative analgesia agents M. Mimick OriginalPaper Pages: 87 - 96
The use of micropore filters in continuous epidural anaesthesia John Desmond OriginalPaper Pages: 97 - 100
Accidental closure of the expiratory outlet in the engström ventilator (200) during anaesthesia a case report Robebto L. Sia OriginalPaper Pages: 101 - 104
A useful manoeuvre for prevention of aspiration during “crash” inductions K. W. Turnbull OriginalPaper Pages: 105 - 106
Comparison of ventilation responses to hypercapnia at normothemia and hypothermia during halothane anaesthesia Joseph O. SodipoDochil Lee Erratum Pages: 107 - 107