The effect of hypothermia on the respiratory response to carbon dioxide Gerald Edelist OriginalPaper Pages: 551 - 556
An evaluation of two new local anaesthetics for major conduction blockade P. R. BromageM. Gertel OriginalPaper Pages: 557 - 564
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation: A review of 184 cases and some applications for future improvements C. S. BrownA. A. Scott OriginalPaper Pages: 565 - 573
Effect of gallamine on cholinergic receptors Flora J. RathbunJohn T. Hamilton OriginalPaper Pages: 574 - 590
Electrocardiographic changes associated with the use of epinephrine during general anaesthesia hilda robertsKrikor V. Boyagian OriginalPaper Pages: 591 - 601
The effects of inhalation anaesthetic agents on convulsant (ld-50) doses of local anaesthetics in the rat John A. StaniweskiJ. Antonio Aldrete OriginalPaper Pages: 602 - 606
Anaesthetic dosage for epidural sympathetic blockade P. Y. ChenCloid D. Green OriginalPaper Pages: 607 - 612
Miniature ventilators with interrupted non-rebreathing circle systems and other anaesthetic circuits Guy FortinVictor F. Blanc OriginalPaper Pages: 613 - 623
The preparation of accurate standard mixtures of inhalation anaesthetic agents R. Herchl OriginalPaper Pages: 624 - 629
Haematoma following epidural anaesthesia Albert B. ButlerCloid D. Green OriginalPaper Pages: 635 - 639
Rare complication during stellate ganglion block a case report Alfred T. C. PengJoanna BufaloLouis S. Blancato OriginalPaper Pages: 640 - 642
A case of surgical emphysema occurring spontaneously in labour P. Corkery OriginalPaper Pages: 643 - 647
Utilisation de Ľordinateur IBM-60: compilation des donnees anesthesiques Louis FournierHenri DesmeulesBernard Paradis OriginalPaper Pages: 649 - 657