The performance of nine human hearts before, during, and after transplantation W. A. WielhorskiB. PaiementP. Grondin OriginalPaper Pages: 97 - 106
Protection against methyprylon overdosage by catatoxic steroids Hans Selye OriginalPaper Pages: 107 - 111
Experimental studies of the central nervous system related to anaesthesia: IV. effects of pentobarbital placement in caudate nucleus K. M. LeightonLeonard C. Jenkins OriginalPaper Pages: 112 - 118
The reliability and usefulness of the suwa nomogram in patients in respiratory failure William W. Stoyka OriginalPaper Pages: 119 - 128
Controlled ventilation in the treatment of status asthmaticus in children E. J. RhineJ. K. Rosales OriginalPaper Pages: 129 - 134
Nephrotoxicite associee au methoxyflurane André LapointeEt Natalis Bele-Binda OriginalPaper Pages: 145 - 156
A double-blind study of diazepam, droperidol, and meperidine as premedication in children Patrick M. F. McGarry OriginalPaper Pages: 157 - 165
A study of diazepam (valiumê) for induction of anaesthesia Gordon M. WyantLavern J. Studney OriginalPaper Pages: 166 - 171
Ci-581 in anaesthesia for tonsillectomies in children W. E. SpoerelPatricia F. Kandel OriginalPaper Pages: 172 - 180
A catheter mount for double-lumen endobronchial tubes B. E. WelshA. W. Conn OriginalPaper Pages: 183 - 186
Regulations relating to the examinations of the royal college of physicians and surgeons of canada OriginalPaper Pages: 197 - 198