Observations on innovar as preoperative medication Gordon M. WyantGerald B. H. Lewis OriginalPaper Pages: 377 - 384
The effects of rapid massive haemorrhage and retransfusion on various cardiovascular parameters in the dog David EvansH. W. Boyes OriginalPaper Pages: 385 - 394
Anaesthetic management of the patient with rheumatoid arthritis Leonard C. JenkinsRobert W. McGraw OriginalPaper Pages: 407 - 415
The use of epidural block in acute pancreatitis: A report of eight cases R. A. BrowneE. J. Ashworth OriginalPaper Pages: 416 - 424
Hazards of intra-arterial injection of hydroxyzine Garold EnloeMarilyn SylvesterLucien E. Morris OriginalPaper Pages: 425 - 428
Regulations relating to the examinations of the royal college of physicians and surgeons of Canada OriginalPaper Pages: 445 - 446