Effect of methoxyflurane anaesthesia on thyroid function in man Tsutomu OyamaS. ShibataT. Kudo OriginalPaper Pages: 204 - 208
An objective evaluation of tranquillizers as preanaesthetic medication: effect on adrenocortical function Tsutomu OyamaK. KimuraH. Takiguchi OriginalPaper Pages: 209 - 216
Bleeding during transurethral prostatic surgery John W. DesmondR. A. Gordon OriginalPaper Pages: 217 - 224
The role of replacement fluids in the management of haemorrhagic shock: an experimental study R. RajAGOPalanG. C. TandanG. R. Gode OriginalPaper Pages: 225 - 234
A comparison of halothane and neuroleptanaesthesia for disc surgery: haemodynamic and metabolic studies Michael KeÉri-SzÁntÓ OriginalPaper Pages: 235 - 240
Bronchoscopy with the aid of diazepam A. M. StrajaD. D. MunroR. G. B. Gilbert OriginalPaper Pages: 241 - 248
Tracheostomy in children with croup: a retrospective study of the mortality and morbidity at the hartford hospital Charles W. Parton OriginalPaper Pages: 249 - 252
Circadian rhythms and their significance to the anaesthetist: a review Mary E. Hunter OriginalPaper Pages: 253 - 259
Regulations relating to the examinations of the royal college of physicians and surgeons of Canada Announcement Pages: 271 - 272