Le metabolisme de L’eau et des electrolytes en neurologie et en neurochirurgie Andre Soetens OriginalPaper Pages: 1 - 14
Resuscitation at the place of accident and during transportation F. W. AhnefeldR. FreyH. Nolte OriginalPaper Pages: 15 - 24
Inversion of the uterus during Methoxyflurane anaesthesia H. BalaKrishnaGeRtie F. Marx OriginalPaper Pages: 34 - 36
Beta-Adrenergic blocking agents and anaesthesia: a review Willis A. Warner OriginalPaper Pages: 42 - 55
Neuromuscular effects of six local anaesthetics on anaesthetized subjects JosE E. UsubiagaFrank Moya OriginalPaper Pages: 56 - 62
Intravenous diazepam for psychiatric reactions following open-heart surgery André McClishDaniel AndrewLéon Tetreault OriginalPaper Pages: 63 - 79
Double-blind evaluation of Metoclopramide (MK 745, Sinemet®), Trimethobenzamide (Tigan®), and a placebo as postanaesthetic anti-emetics following Methoxyflurane anaesthesia Allen B. DobkinWilliam EversJacob S. Israel OriginalPaper Pages: 80 - 91