The canadian contribution to the anaesthesia training programme of the world federation of societies of anaesthesiologists R. A. Gordon OriginalPaper Pages: 495 - 499
Anaesthesia in Canada, 1847–1967: I. the beginnings of anaesthesia in Canada André Jacques OriginalPaper Pages: 500 - 509
Anaesthesia in Canada 1847–1967: II. the development of anaesthesia in Canada Harold R. Griffith OriginalPaper Pages: 510 - 518
Effets de certains agents anesthesiques sur l’activite electrique cerebrale G. Vourc’hG. ArfelJ. M. Besson OriginalPaper Pages: 519 - 542
A follow-up of children treated by prolonged nasal intubation J. B. Owen-Thomas OriginalPaper Pages: 543 - 550
Relationship of metabolic acidosis and capillary pco2 in cyclopropane and halothane anaesthesia Gordon F. Clark OriginalPaper Pages: 551 - 566
Evaluation of recovery and “Street fitness” by E.E.G. and psychodiagnostic tests after anaesthesia A. DoenickeJ. KuglerM. Laub OriginalPaper Pages: 567 - 583
Fundoscopic, ophthalmodynamometric, and tonometric observations during cardiopulmonary bypass in man O. Farmati OriginalPaper Pages: 584 - 591
An out-patient anaesthetic service: standards and organization E. James Treloar OriginalPaper Pages: 596 - 604