The effect of general anaesthesia on the tolerance of cerebral ischaemia in rabbits J. A. BainD. V. CattonW. E. Spoerel OriginalPaper Pages: 69 - 78
Ventricular arrhythmias induced by aminophylline during halothane anaesthesia in dogs Masuhiko TakaoriRobert W. Loehning OriginalPaper Pages: 79 - 86
The effect of hyperventilation on arterial oxygen tension: A theoretical analysis H. B. Fairley OriginalPaper Pages: 87 - 93
The dangers of using a three-way valve as a stopcock in a transducer system for measuring venous blood pressure J. W. Smith OriginalPaper Pages: 94 - 103
Humidity in anaesthesiology: I. a modified dew-point hygrometer R. DÉRYJ. PelletterJ. J. Houde OriginalPaper Pages: 104 - 111
The effects of anaesthesia on experimental endotoxin shock N. A. RetyC. M. Couves OriginalPaper Pages: 112 - 118
A note on the recording of epidural negative pressure JosÉ E. UsubiagaFrank MoyaLilia E. Usubiaga OriginalPaper Pages: 119 - 122
Orahesive as a protection for the teeth during general anaesthesia and endoscopy William EversGabor B. RaczAllen B. Dobkin OriginalPaper Pages: 123 - 128
Blood coagulation and haemostasis: A review E. M. RoderiqueJ. E. Wynands ReviewPaper Pages: 129 - 151