Hepatic circulation and hepatic function during anaesthesia and surgery III chloroform-induced liver injury A GalindoL D MacleanG Fred Brindle OriginalPaper Pages: 443 - 449
Respirator care in a general hospital a five-year survey R C LintonF W WalkerW E Spoerel OriginalPaper Pages: 450 - 457
Effect of cardiopulmonary bypass and haemodilution on some constitunts of blood Emerson A MoffittFrank T MaherJohn W Kirklin OriginalPaper Pages: 458 - 464
L’influence des troubles de l’hemodynamique sur l’action des myoresolutifs pendant la narcose et l’operation V A KovaneffI M Et Chmeleskyi OriginalPaper Pages: 475 - 485
Succinylcholine and acetazolamide (Diamox) in anaesthesia for ocular surgery Arthur S Carballo OriginalPaper Pages: 486 - 498
Double blind study of hydroxyzine, promethazine, secobarbital, and a placebo for preanaestbetic medication Allen B DobkinKrishan MaukJacob S Israel OriginalPaper Pages: 499 - 509
Factors affecting survive of the geriatric patient after major surgery U AubryR DenisM Parent OriginalPaper Pages: 510 - 520