The effect of posture on the mechanics of breathing during intermittent positive pressure respiration H B FairleyDouglas D Hunter OriginalPaper Pages: 113 - 122
The control of the acid-base balance during open-heart surgery Walter Zingg OriginalPaper Pages: 123 - 146
Anaesthesia for infants with tracheal obstruction J. E. S. ReltonA W Conn OriginalPaper Pages: 147 - 158
Duration of anaesthesia with thiopental when combined with each of mannitol, urea, sodium bicarbonate, or tromethamine (“THAM,” “TRIS”) Allen B. DobkinJacob S. IsraelPeter H. Byles OriginalPaper Pages: 159 - 167
Electrical anaesthesia the use of a combination of alternating and direct electrical current in dogs J. W. R. McIntyreP. James Voloshin OriginalPaper Pages: 168 - 172
Methoxyflurane evaluation clinique Luc PerreaultJean Guy MailleJean Louis Lajoie OriginalPaper Pages: 182 - 189