The response of the newborn infant to muscle relaxants H. C. Churchill-DavidsonR. P. Wise OriginalPaper Pages: 1 - 6
Blood glucose levels during methoxyflurane anaesthesia Joel D. GottliebRobert B. Sweet OriginalPaper Pages: 7 - 11
Epidural anaesthesia in paediatric surgery present status in the Hamilton general hospital F. G. Ruston OriginalPaper Pages: 12 - 34
Conditions affecting general, anaesthesia in the dental office Eric Webb OriginalPaper Pages: 35 - 40
Innovan-N2O anaesthesia in normal men effect on respiration, circulatory dynamics, liver function, metabolic functions, acid-base balance, and psychic responses Allen B. DobkinJacob S. IsraelPeter H. Byles OriginalPaper Pages: 41 - 71
Continuous epidural analgesia— the use of an intermittent injection device J. M. R. CoxW. E. Spoerel OriginalPaper Pages: 72 - 82
Ľhexafluorenium, Potentialisateur de la Succinylcholine Alfred JobidonBernard ParadisGédéon Douville OriginalPaper Pages: 88 - 100
Anaesthesia for transsphenoidal hypophysectomy J. P. BrunelleC. Lepage OriginalPaper Pages: 101 - 103