Aortic valvular disease: Pathophysiology and anaesthetic management for general surgical procedures Leonard C. JenkinsW. A. DoddsH. B. Graves OriginalPaper Pages: 317 - 327
Atropine and the electrical activity of the heart during induction of anaesthesia in children J. SagarminagaJ. E. Wynands OriginalPaper Pages: 328 - 342
The effect of atropine and neostigmine on cardiac rate and rhythm during methoxyflurane and halothane anaesthesia J. W. R. McintyreG. Drummond OriginalPaper Pages: 343 - 351
Comparison of the hepatotoxic effects of halothane and chloroform in hypoxic dogs Frank C. Haley OriginalPaper Pages: 352 - 356
Intrathecal phenol block in treatment of intractable pain of malignant disease R. A. GordonShashi B. Goel OriginalPaper Pages: 357 - 363
Mechanical ventilators: An assessment of two new machines for use in the operating room H. Barrie FairleyDouglas D. Hunter OriginalPaper Pages: 364 - 379
Trichlorethylene anaesthesia for experimental surgery with cats F. R. C. JohnstoneH. H. MacartneyG. W. Jackson OriginalPaper Pages: 390 - 394