The management of infants with tracheo-oesophageal fistula Gordon M. WyantRobert W. Cram OriginalPaper Pages: 93 - 102
Methoxyflurane (penthrane): A report of 1,200 cases F. W. McCaffreyMaria J. Mate OriginalPaper Pages: 103 - 113
The antagonism of curare: the cardiac effects of atropine and neostigmine Joel D. GottliebRobert B. Sweet OriginalPaper Pages: 114 - 121
Precautions against ignition of flammable anaesthetics P. J. SeredaA. R. Morse OriginalPaper Pages: 122 - 128
Precautions a prendre contre l’inflammation des anesthesioues inflammables P. J. SeredaA. R. Morse OriginalPaper Pages: 129 - 136
A simple method of calculating ventilatory requirements in children Raynald Déry OriginalPaper Pages: 164 - 165
Determination par une Methode Simple des Normes de Ventilation Chez Ľenfant Raynald Déry OriginalPaper Pages: 166 - 167
A postoperative complication in a patient with a mitral commissurotomy J. M. Boyd Garland OriginalPaper Pages: 168 - 170