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Canadian Journal of Anesthesia/Journal canadien d'anesthésie - Instructions for Author Collaborator Groups

If you have authored a manuscript which contains an author collaborator group, please consider these tips to ensure the full author group displays properly and each author can be properly identified: 

  • The full list of collaborators should be listed as an ‘Acknowledgement’ 
  • Please also include a footnote on the first page of your manuscript stating that the collaborators for the ‘’XYZ Group” are listed in the acknowledgements.
  • Place your Acknowledgment containing all author names on the second page rather than the end of the manuscript.
  • Affiliations are not mandatory for all collaborators, but are preferred. If they are included, city/state/nation is required.
  • The Collaborator group must gather all author names & affiliations [if any]. Please double check all information to ensure names are correctly spelled. Checking the spelling of names in the proofing stage will delay publication of your work. 
