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World Journal of Pediatrics - Special Issue: Inflammatory bowel disease in children: current diagnosis and treatment strategies

Call for paper

World Journal of Pediatrics (WJP) (Impact Factor: 8.7; Citescore 10.0) is in its 19 volume and with a high readability, reputation and academic impact worldwide. According to Clarivate Analytics 2022 Journal Citation Reports, WJP is ranking the 4th in all journals in the field of pediatrics. The journal is co-published by Springer Nature and Zhejiang University.

We are commissioning a special issue entitled “IBD in children: updated diagnosis and treatment strategies” with Prof. Carmen Cuffari from the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine as the guest editor. The incidence and prevalence of pediatric-onset IBD is increasing globally. Treatment modalities have changed with the widespread use of biologics and molecules. Early introduction of targeted treatment combined with traditional treatment will benefit the outcome and life quality for children with IBD. Early diagnosis and personalized precision treatment will reduce the cost and increase the health outcome. Therefore, this issue focuses on the updated diagnostic strategies and therapeutic landscape for inflammatory bowel disease in children.  Review article, meta-analysis, original research articles are welcomed on the topic.

Timeline for the special issue:

December 31, 2023, Deadline submission for abstract

August 31, 2024, Deadline submission for full papers (Submission system:

Publication of the special Issue foreseen: December of 2024.

You can email to Dr. Lili Yang from WJP editorial office ( directly with any queries that you may have.

All articles can be found at: World Journal of Pediatrics | Home.  

For more information to submit your work, please visit:
