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Publishing Research Quarterly - 2022 Call for Papers


Call for Papers           

Publishing Research Quarterly aims to clarify the process that enables writers to connect with their readers.  It publishes scholarly articles, reports of research, essays, surveys, memoirs, statistics, and reviews that contribute to knowledge about how book, magazine, journal and online publishing industries operate.  Its scope extends to assessing the value of publications and the effectiveness of the process in achieving goals of dissemination, persuasion, and entertainment.  It examines the social, historical, political, educational, economic, literary, legal, ethical, business and technological conditions that help to shape the nature of print and online publishing and related industries.  It covers journalism, communications, printing technologies, library and information sciences.  Readers include publishers, individuals who represent all functions of the publishing process such as editors, planners, analysts, researchers and students of the publishing process, social scientists, booksellers, librarians, educators, policy makers, and managers of related industries.

Guidelines for Authors

Manuscript Preparation: Manuscripts nominally should not exceed 15 double spaced pages in length.  A short one paragraph Abstract and list of five Keywords should appear immediately after the title and author’s name.  The manuscript should conform to the guidelines in The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition, University of Chicago Press.  References should be shown as numbered footnotes and then listed in a “References” section at the end of the article.  Please double space your article in Microsoft Word and have it aligned left (no justified margins) with no extra spaces between paragraphs and no extra spaces following subheadings.

Coauthors are welcome and all authors will be credited in the published work.  Please note that all correspondence and page proofs will be sent to only one author.  Therefore, please inform us who the lead author is to whom we should address all mail.

Illustrations, charts, graphs and PowerPoint diagrams must be submitted as a separate file and refer to their inclusion in a cover e-mail or letter.  All illustrations should be in black and white; please do not send color illustrations. All should be labeled and desired placement clearly indicated in the text of the manuscript. The source of illustrations or other material taken from other publications must be credited and permission to reprint must be provided.  

Names and affiliations of all authors should appear immediately after the title with the address for regular postal mail correspondence and e-mail communications.

Page proof will be sent as a digital file with the copyright form for approval by the author.  It is important to return these page proofs with approval or corrections with in 48 hours to allow the article to appear in the OnlineFirst database and then follow with the printed edition of the Publishing Research Quarterly journal.

Submission: Submit the manuscript via e-mail with brief covering letter to:

            Robert E. Baensch, Editor

            Publishing Research Quarterly


