Potential economic and social benefits of promoting energy efficiency measures in Nigeria Godwin Ogechi Unachukwu Perspective 21 May 2011 Pages: 465 - 472
Make it strategic! Financial investment logic is not enough Catherine Cooremans OriginalPaper 21 May 2011 Pages: 473 - 492
Energy-related logics of action throughout the ages in France: historical milestones, stages of life and intergenerational transmissions Garabuau-Moussaoui Isabelle OriginalPaper 01 May 2011 Pages: 493 - 509
Driving an electric vehicle. A sociological analysis on pioneer users Magali PierreChristophe JemelinNicolas Louvet OriginalPaper 15 April 2011 Pages: 511 - 522
From carbon to light: a new framework for estimating greenhouse gas emissions reductions from replacing fuel-based lighting with LED systems Evan MillsArne Jacobson OriginalPaper 21 April 2011 Pages: 523 - 546
The revival of the traditional Bosnian wood dwellings Azra KorjenicSanela Klarić OriginalPaper 30 March 2011 Pages: 547 - 558
Modelling resource consumption for laundry and dish treatment in individual households for various consumer segments Rainer Stamminger Original Research 18 February 2011 Pages: 559 - 569
The cost impacts of a mandatory move to time-of-use pricing on residential customers: an Ontario (Canada) case-study Ian H. RowlandsIan M. Furst Original Research 19 February 2011 Pages: 571 - 585
A study to optimize the potential impact of residential building energy audits Amanda L. WierzbaMark A. MorgensternJohn Himmelreich OriginalPaper 23 June 2011 Pages: 587 - 597