Energy efficiency and indoor thermal perception: a comparative study between radiant panel and portable convective heaters Ahmed Hamza H. AliMahmoud Gaber Morsy OriginalPaper 24 February 2010 Pages: 283 - 301
The effect of life-cycle cost disclosure on consumer behavior: evidence from a field experiment with cooling appliances Matthias Deutsch OriginalPaper 06 February 2010 Pages: 303 - 315
Comparing ODEX with LMDI to measure energy efficiency trends Caiman J. CahillMorgan BazilianBrian P. Ó Gallachóir OriginalPaper 26 January 2010 Pages: 317 - 329
Effects of economies of scale and experience on the costs of energy-efficient technologies – case study of electric motors in Germany Daniela JardotWolfgang EichhammerTobias Fleiter OriginalPaper 20 January 2010 Pages: 331 - 346
Securing energy efficiency as a high priority: scenarios for common appliance electricity consumption in Thailand Tira ForanPeter T. du PontNapaporn Phumaraphand OriginalPaper 14 January 2010 Pages: 347 - 364
Electricity and water consumption for laundry washing by washing machine worldwide Christiane PakulaRainer Stamminger OriginalPaper 08 January 2010 Pages: 365 - 382