Cardiovascular Toxicology - Cardiovascular Toxicology Expanding to 12 issues/year in 2021
Cardiovascular Toxicology was launched in 2001, and has been produced regularly for 20 years. It started 4 issues/year until 2018, expanding to 6 issues/year. It is now ready to expand again to 12 issues/year starting 2021.
Back to 1997, there were about 25% of the retraction from market for the FAD approved pharmaceutical drugs due to cardiovascular events. At that time, there was no standard procedure for safety evaluation on cardiovascular toxicity. There was no any designated journal publishing toxicological studies of cardiovascular system. The information related to cardiovascular toxicology and its mechanistic understanding could only be obtained through scrutinizing from a vast of different journals. Therefore, the scientific and regulatory community as a whole needs a designated cardiovascular toxicology journal. Mr. Thomas L. Lanigan (1938-2006), the founder and former president of Humana Press, discussed with Dr. Y. James Kang, a leading cardiovascular toxicologist, for several times between 1999 and 2000, and mutually agreed to launch a new specialized journal Cardiovascular Toxicology in 2001 to meet the need above, and Dr. Kang served as the Editor-in-Chief since then.
At the launch of the journal, the ultimate goal was set to become the premier journal in the emerging discipline of cardiovascular toxicology. To accomplish this, the journal has steadily and stably developed through publication of original research (basic research, applied research, and clinical research), commentary, focused topics, reviews, communications, editorials, and book reviews. It has become a well-respected peer-reviewed source for original work on molecular mechanisms and signal pathways of cardiovascular toxicity, cardiovascular effects of environmental toxicants and pollutants, detrimental effects of new cardiovascular drugs, and the cardiovascular toxicity of non-cardiovascular drugs and novel therapies such as gene therapy for cancers. It also covered timely issues such as recent concerns on COVID19 pandemic, a timely review “COVID-19: A concern for cardiovascular disease patients” has been accepted for publication.
The success of Cardiovascular Toxicology was also reflected by its expansion. In 2018, the journal was expanded from 4 issues/year to 6 issues/year. Thanks to all supporters, from dedicated editorial board members to well-respected authors of multiple high quality papers, and to unselfish and responsible reviewers. Because of the continued and strong support from all of these recognized experts in the field, this journal enjoys its continued growth.
The demand for further expansion is now strongly indicated, therefore, starting from 2021, volume 21, Cardiovascular Toxicology will expand its production from 6 issues/year to 12 issues/year. Cardiovascular Toxicology will remain the same scope of publication and welcome submissions from authors working in all disciplines in the field. Cardiovascular Toxicology will make all possible efforts to become a pre-eminent journal for disseminating novel knowledge in the specialized cardiovascular toxicology field.
Y. James Kang, PhD
Cardiovascular Toxicology