Arthropod-Plant Interactions celebrates its first impact factor Heikki Hokkanen EDITORIAL 27 August 2010 Pages: 139 - 139
Visual discrimination between two sexually deceptive Ophrys species by a bee pollinator M. StreinzerT. EllisJ. Spaethe Original Paper Open access 22 May 2010 Pages: 141 - 148
Why do many galls have conspicuous colours? An alternative hypothesis revisited T. C. R. White Original Paper 09 August 2010 Pages: 149 - 150
Conspicuous gall colors: a response to T. C. R. White M. InbarI. IzhakiS. Lev-Yadun OriginalPaper 25 August 2010 Pages: 151 - 152
Herbivory by sucking mirid bugs can reduce nectar production in Asphodelus aestivus Brot. Yael SamochaMarcelo Sternberg Original Paper Open access 29 April 2010 Pages: 153 - 158
Diffuse interactions between two herbivores and constraints on the evolution of resistance in horsenettle (Solanum carolinense) Michael J. Wise Original Paper 26 June 2010 Pages: 159 - 164
Effects of plant micro-environment on movement of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) larvae and the relationship to a hierarchy of stimuli Bronwen W. CribbJim HananLynda E. Perkins Original Paper 09 August 2010 Pages: 165 - 173
Qualitative assessment of an ultra-fast portable gas chromatograph (zNose™) for analyzing volatile organic chemicals and essential oils in laboratory and greenhouses Saber MiresmailliRod BradburyMurray B. Isman Original Paper 10 August 2010 Pages: 175 - 180
A meta-analysis of the effects of global environmental change on plant-herbivore interactions Tara Joy MassadLee A. Dyer Original Paper 10 August 2010 Pages: 181 - 188
Bird rookeries have different effects on different feeding guilds of herbivores and alter the feeding behavior of a common caterpillar Ian S. Pearse Original Paper Open access 12 August 2010 Pages: 189 - 195
Relationship between adult and larval host plant selection and larval performance in the generalist moth, Trichoplusia ni Ikkei ShikanoYasmin AkhtarMurray B. Isman ORIGINAL PAPER 12 August 2010 Pages: 197 - 205