Why do many galls have conspicuous colors? A new hypothesis M. InbarI. IzhakiS. Lev-Yadun Forum Paper 17 November 2009 Pages: 1 - 6
Characterising insect plant host relationships facilitates understanding multiple host use Andrew G. MannersWilliam A. PalmerGimme H. Walter Original Paper 23 October 2009 Pages: 7 - 17
Pollinator effectiveness and fruit set in common ivy, Hedera helix (Araliaceae) Jennifer H. JacobsSuzanne J. ClarkJuliet L. Osborne Original Paper 27 October 2009 Pages: 19 - 28
Anti-insect effects of the gall wall of Baizongia pistaciae [L.], a gall-inducing aphid on Pistacia palaestina Boiss Jean-Jacques Itzhak Martinez Original Paper 24 October 2009 Pages: 29 - 34
Is a mango just a mango? Testing within-fruit oviposition site choice and larval performance of a highly polyphagous fruit fly Wigunda RattanapunWeerawan AmornsakAnthony R. Clarke Original Paper 19 November 2009 Pages: 35 - 44
Characterization of peroxidase changes in resistant and susceptible warm-season turfgrasses challenged by Blissus occiduus Osman GulsenThomas EickhoffDonald Lee Original Paper 23 January 2010 Pages: 45 - 55
The defensive role of latex in plants: detrimental effects on insects Márcio V. RamosThalles B. GrangeiroCleverson D. T. Freitas Original Paper 23 January 2010 Pages: 57 - 67