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Frontiers of Computer Science - CFP: Excellent Young Computer Scientists Vision on Foundation Models

Frontiers of Computer Science (FCS) was launched in 2007. It is published bimonthly both online and in print by HEP and Springer. It is indexed by SCI(E), EI, DBLP, Scopus, etc. The latest IF is 4.2, ranking among the top 25% of all journals in the field of Computer Science in WOS.

Dear Esteemed Colleagues,

We are thrilled to announce the call for papers for the inaugural issue of the “Excellent Young Computer Scientists Vision” track within the Frontiers of Computer Science journal. This initiative seeks to highlight and disseminate the innovative ideas and perspectives of young researchers working on Foundation Models, which have become a pivotal component in the evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Foundation Models are large-scale models trained on massive datasets and are known for their ability to perform a wide range of tasks. With simple natural language prompts, these models can generate detailed descriptions, produce images, or even animate scenarios based on the generated descriptions.

The rapid advancement in Foundation Models has not only accelerated AI's capabilities but also introduced a paradigm shift in the AI landscape. These models have displayed remarkable potential across diverse domains, including language, vision, robotics, reasoning, and human interaction, bringing about a broad spectrum of opportunities and challenges.

The thematic focus of this call is on " Excellent Young Computer Scientists Vision on Foundation Models". We invite submissions that explore innovative approaches, ethical considerations, and the potential impact of Foundation Models on various domains. Each paper should be formatted as a letter, with a maximum length of 3 pages. Both online and invited submissions are welcomed. This call seeks to foster discussions and share insights on the cutting-edge developments and the future trajectory of Foundation Models, especially from the lens of young, dynamic researchers.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  • The evolution and future of Foundation Models
  • Ethical implications and governance of Foundation Models
  • Addressing bias in Foundation Models
  • Novel methodologies and frameworks for advancing Foundation Models
  • Case studies showcasing the implementation and impact of Foundation Models
  • Foundation Models in content creation
  • Foundation Models for intelligent education, healthcare diagnostics, augmented reality and virtual reality, etc.

Key Dates:

Submission Deadline:            31.03.2024
Notification of Acceptance:        31.05.2024
Final Manuscript Due:            15.06.2024

Submission Guidelines:

Each paper should be formatted as a LETTER, with a maximum length of 3 pages. Besides, the first author or the corresponding author must not exceed 45 years old. Please state your age in the cover letter, otherwise, manuscript would be returned.

The submission website is Select the manuscript type as " Excellent Young Computer Scientists Vision on Foundation Models " The LETTER template will also be found at this site.

We are looking forward to receiving your contributions and to the fruitful discussions that will undoubtedly emerge from this initiative. Please feel free to distribute this call for papers among your networks and do not hesitate to contact us for any inquiries.

Warmest regards,

Le WU, Hefei University of Technology,

Xu YANG, Southeast University,

Ning XU, Southeast University,

Min-Ling ZHANG, Southeast University,
