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Frontiers of Computer Science - CFP: Fast Track of Revised Top Conference Submission

Frontiers of Computer Science (FCS) was launched in 2007. It is published bimonthly both online and in print by HEP and Springer. It is indexed by SCI(E), EI, DBLP, Scopus, etc. The latest IF is 2.061, ranking among the top 50% of all journals in the field of Computer Science in WOS. 

To foster timely scientific exchange among researchers, practitioners and engineers, Frontiers of Computer Science (FCS) welcomes high-quality manuscript reporting cutting-edge developments in computer science to the Fast Track of Revised Top Conference Submission.

The fast track considers revision of borderline rejected submission to top conference within the past 12 months upon submitting to FCS (scope specified by Appendix: Recommended List of International Conferences).

The eligibility of borderline is measured by the *final* scores of the conference submission and will be further acknowledged by the handling editor. Final means that the scores that matter are the ones that come with the post-rebuttal reviews (not the ones during the author response, if any), and the general criteria for the eligibility of borderline are: 

(a) The final score of each conference reviewer is at the level of “weak reject” or above;    

(b) The final scores of at least two conference reviewers are at the level of “weak accept” or above.

To submit your work to the fast track, in addition to format your manuscript according to the FCS template, authors are also asked to provide the following supporting materials (complied in a single PDF file in the cover letter):

  • The name of the conference, and the title, tracking number (if any), author list of the rejected conference submission.
  • The original PDF of conference submission.
  • Full conference reviews including scores and text.
  • Detailed descriptions on the revision the authors have made within the fast track manuscript to address the comments of conference reviewers.

Eligible fast track manuscript along with its supporting materials will be reviewed by the handling editor and anonymous reviewers. 

Final decision on fast track manuscript will be notified to the authors within one month after entering peer review process, and the accepted fast track manuscript will be published online within three months after acceptance.

Online submission:

Select the manuscript type as “Fast Track of Revised Top Conference Submission”. The template will also be found at this site.

For further information and questions, please feel free to contact FCS editorial office (
