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Sustainability Science - IR3S and IGES

Sustainability Science is published by Springer on behalf of The Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science of the University of Tokyo (IR3S) and the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES).

New Content Item (1)The Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science of the University of Tokyo (IR3S)

The Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science of the University of Tokyo (IR3S) is a research network founded to serve as a global research and educational platform for sustainability scientists. Administered by The University of Tokyo and composed of eleven participating or cooperating institutions in Japan, IR3S is actively engaged in collaborative research with universities and institutes around the world. Sustainability science embraces a broad range of phenomena and principles; the goal of IR3S is to develop a transdisciplinary academic structure that joins the natural sciences with the humanities and social sciences in the cause of global sustainability.

New Content Item (1)Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)

The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) was established in March 1998 under an initiative of the Japanese government and with the support of Kanagawa Prefecture based on the “Charter for the Establishment of the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies”. The aim of the Institute is to achieve a new paradigm for civilization and conduct innovative policy development and strategic research for environmental measures, reflecting the results of research into political decisions for realising sustainable development both in the Asia-Pacific region and globally. IGES made the transition to a Public Interest Incorporated Foundation in April 2012.

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