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Food Biophysics - Call for Papers: The Role of Food Structure in the Biophysics of Digestion

The Journal of Food Biophysics is seeking submissions for a Special Issue on the Role of Food Structure in the Biophysics of Digestion, edited by the Editor-in-chief Michael A. Rogers (University of Guelph).

Ultra-processed foods have displaced whole foods, providing the majority of calories for many, and in such cases, are implemented in a cascade of diet-related chronic diseases. While currently portrayed in a negative light, UPFs convert much of our highly perishable agricultural commodities into ingredients and foods that are available and safe to consume all year due to the stability imparted by processing, are highly palatable, convenient, and cost-stable compared to fresh perishable foods (meat, dairy, fruits and vegetables). As more ingredients are derived from non-traditional food sources (single-cell algae, muscle cells, filamentous fungi, and insects such as soldier fly larvae) and repurposed agricultural waste, it is obvious that these only feed the formulation and design of new ultra-processed foods. While these technologies have clear benefits, including reducing our carbon footprint, food waste, water and land use, there are associated downfalls, such as high energy input during refining and the increased cost differential to acquire a whole food diet compared to the Western Diet.

This special issue aims to compile original research on understanding how to engineer healthier foods beyond composition so that they can be designed to have improved biological outcomes. This includes topics on:

  • Furthering our understanding of the implications of food structure & stability on degradation and release of macro- and micronutrients, phytochemicals, prebiotics and probiotics, all of which are germane to developing the next generation of UPF to feed future populations nutritiously. 
  • How to design, formulate and process more nutritious foods via structure, including ingredient technology or process design as part of a nutritious global food supply solution.

Deadline for manuscript submission: 30th November 2024

All manuscripts will undergo FOBI's peer review process and be handled by the appropriate Associate Editor, overseen by Editor-in-Chief.

Special Issue Editor:

Michael A. Rogers, PhD

Department of Food Science, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Editor-in-Chief, Food Biophysics


Important Submission Information:

Please Follow FOBI's submission guidelines when submitting manuscripts, found at this link:

Submission guidelines | Food Biophysics (

If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact the Editor in Chief. We invite you to participate in this issue and look forward to your valuable contributions.
