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Comparative Journal of Curriculum, Learning, and Assessment

Publishing model:

PROSPECTS - General submission info

Types of papers

We welcome submissions which deal with educational research, policy and practice, within a comparative perspective. Each quarterly publication is usually divided into four main sections: Viewpoints/ Controversies, Open File, Trends/Cases and Profiles of Educators. Each article should contain between 7000 and 8000 words and must be accompanied by a summary of 100-150 words and a short note of biographical details. 

The Viewpoints section represents a forum for distinguished educators and high-level consultants in the field to express their ideas regarding current tendencies in education on a broad range of topics related to the goals of the journal. The Trends section is devoted to the debate around various educational tendencies and cases that are relevant for comparative and international education. Profiles of Educators are chosen to represent some of key education thinkers of all cultures, whose insights and words of wisdom illuminate the questions often raised in Prospects. The Open File is the central dossier of the publication. Distinguished researchers from all over the world are frequently invited to guest edit this section, which discusses the main topic that sometime entitles the issue. The Profiles of Educators should contain approximately 6000 words.

Peer review policy

After an initial editor screening, the manuscripts undergo a rigorous peer review, by at least two anonymous referees. In addition, feedback is sometimes invited from the Editorial Board and the Correspondents of the journal. The peer-review process can take up to three months.

Additional requirements

The full postal address and a current e-mail address of the author who will check proofs and receive correspondence and offprints should be included. Please deliver an editable, electronic version of your manuscript. For any technical details regarding your submission, please contact:

Dr. Simona Popa
Editor in Chief
P.O. Box 199, 1211 GENEVA 20
Phone: +41 22 917 78 28
Fax: +41 22 917 78 01

P.O. Box 17
3300 AA Dordrecht
The Netherlands
