Evaluative bias and issue proximity Paul M. SnidermanRichard A. BrodyPercy H. Tannenbaum OriginalPaper Pages: 115 - 131
Public preferences about government spending: Partisan, social, and attitudinal sources of policy differences Theodore J. Eismeier OriginalPaper Pages: 133 - 145
Civil religious orientations and children's perceptions of political authority Corwin Smidt OriginalPaper Pages: 147 - 162
Some effects and noneffects of campaign commercials: An experimental study Robert G. MeadowLee Sigelman OriginalPaper Pages: 163 - 175
Political information processing: Question order and context effects George F. BishopRobert W. OldendickAlfred J. Tuchfarber OriginalPaper Pages: 177 - 200