Priming Presidential Approval: The Conditionality of Issue Effects Christine A. KelleherJennifer Wolak Original Paper 03 August 2006 Pages: 193 - 210
Ballot-Box Vigilantism? Ethnic Population Shifts and Xenophobic Voting in Post-Soviet Russia Mikhail A. Alexseev Original Paper 30 July 2006 Pages: 211 - 240
What They Do Does Matter: Incumbent Resource Allocations and the Individual House Vote David W. Romero Original Paper 28 July 2006 Pages: 241 - 258
Nonparticipation as Self-Censorship: Publicly Observable Political Activity in a Polarized Opinion Climate Andrew F. HayesDietram A. ScheufeleMichael E. Huge Original Paper 25 July 2006 Pages: 259 - 283