Congressional responsiveness to presidential popularity: The electoral context Stephen A. BorrelliGrace L. Simmons OriginalPaper Pages: 93 - 112
The calculus of dissent: Party discipline in the British Labour government, 1974–1979 Brian J. GainesGeoffrey Garrett OriginalPaper Pages: 113 - 135
Partisanship and the vote in Australia: Changes over time 1967–1990 Gary N. Marks OriginalPaper Pages: 137 - 166
Public opinion and heuristic processing of source cues Jeffery J. Mondak OriginalPaper Pages: 167 - 192
Creating a political image: Shaping appearance and manipulating the vote Shawn W. RosenbergShulamit KahnMinh-Thu Le Erratum Pages: 225 - 225