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Plant and Soil

An International Journal on Plant-Soil Relationships

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Plant and Soil - Call for Papers Special Issue on “Advances and perspectives of plant-soil interactions in Mediterranean ecosystems”

Plant and Soil is seeking submissions for a Special Issue on “Advances and perspectives of plant-soil interactions in Mediterranean ecosystems” guest edited by José A. Carreira (Universidad de Jaén, Spain), Benjamín Viñegla (Universidad de Jaén, Spain), Antonio Gallardo (Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Spain), Mike Allen (University of California, USA), Edith Allen (University of California, USA), Marta Gil-Martínez (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain), Pedro Campos (Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, Chile), and Álvaro López-García (Spanish National Research Centre, Spain).

Submissions close 31 December 2024.

Special issue papers accepted for publication in the special issue will be published online very soon after acceptance, and before inclusion in the special issue. All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by 2-3 independent reviewers and handled by the Guest Editors, in collaboration with the Journal’s Section Editors.

Mediterranean ecosystems host a diverse array of plant species, many of which are endemic and finely attuned to the region's specific climate and soil conditions. The distinctively dry and hot summers characteristic of Mediterranean climates have played a pivotal role in shaping plant evolution since its birth, establishing a unique water regime. Coupled with generally nutrient-poor soils and heightened erosion rates, Mediterranean regions are highly vulnerable to the ongoing impacts of climate change, placing additional stress on plant communities. Furthermore, human activities such as intensive agriculture, pollution, urban expansion, and land-use changes pose significant threats to Mediterranean ecosystems. These anthropogenic disturbances can disrupt plant-soil interactions and undermine the overall health and resilience of these fragile systems.The study of plant-soil interactions in Mediterranean environments is therefore imperative for preserving their natural dynamics and sustaining the provision of ecosystem services. In this special issue, dedicated to Mediterranean systems, we welcome research with a broad range of topics, including but not limited to:

Best practices for soil conservation in the region.Assessing the effects of Global Change on ecosystem service provision by plant and soils.Exploring plant-soil interactions across multiple scales, from physicochemical processes to biological dynamics, encompassing aspects of community ecology.

We encourage contributions that advance our understanding of these critical issues, fostering dialogue and innovation to support the long-term health and resilience of Mediterranean ecosystems. All studies performed in Mediterranean-like ecosystems are welcome.

Important Submission Information
To submit a manuscript for this special issue, authors should follow the steps below:

a. Authors submit their paper through the following website
b. In the Article Type Selection step of the online submission procedure, authors must choose Special Issue S120 – Mediterranean ecosystems from the dropdown box.
c. In the General Information step, authors must select the appropriate Article Category (please indicate which article category, i.e. Research Article, Review, Methods Paper or Opinion Paper)

If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact Guest Editors Álvaro López-García ( or Marta Gil-Martínez (, Editor in Chief Hans Lambers ( or Managing Editor Lieve Bultynck (
