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Phytochemistry Reviews

Fundamentals and Perspectives of Natural Products Research

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Phytochemistry Reviews - Societies affiliated with Phytochemistry Reviews

Phytochemical Society of Europe

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The Phytochemical Society of Europe exists to serve all those with an interest in the chemistry and biochemistry of plants and in the applications of such knowledge in industry and agriculture.

- The PSE organises at least three meetings a year in the UK and Continental Europe.

- The business of the Society is conducted by the Officers and Committee Members who meet at least twice a year.

- Members pay a much smaller registration fee than non members at PSE conferences

- The PSE awards bursaries to assist young researchers to attend PSE-sponsored conferences.

Phytochemical Society of Europe

The Phytochemical Society of North America

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The Phytochemical Society of North America (PSNA) is a non-profit scientific organization whose membership is open to anyone with an interest in phytochemistry and the role of plant substances in related fields (

Mission: To encourage and stimulate research in the chemistry and biochemistry of plant constituents, their effects upon plant and animal physiology and pathology, and their industrial importance and utilization.

Annual meetings featuring symposium topics of current interest and contributed papers by conference participants are held throughout the United States, Canada and Mexico.

PSNA meetings provide participants with exposure to the cutting-edge research of prominent international scientists, but are still small enough to offer informality and intimacy that are conducive to the exchange of ideas. Attending the annual meeting includes a 1-year membership in the PSNA.

Highlighted talks from the annual meeting are featured in an overview issue of Phytochemical Reviews, to cover the current state of phytochemical research.

The organization encourages young researchers and students by providing a series of research and travel awards, including the Neish Young Investigator Awards.

Phytochemical Society of North America

