Chronic Pain and Neuropsychological Functioning Robert P. HartMichael F. MartelliNathan D. Zasler OriginalPaper Pages: 131 - 149
Cognitive Outcome in Acute Sporadic Encephalitis Laura HokkanenJyrki Launes OriginalPaper Pages: 151 - 167
Disclosure of Tests and Raw Test Data to the Courts: A Need for Reform Paul R. Lees-HaleyJohn C. Courtney OriginalPaper Pages: 169 - 174
Commentary: Disclosure of Tests and Raw Test Data to the Courts David L. Shapiro Commentary Pages: 175 - 176
Commentary on Lees-Haley and Courtney: There Is a Need for Reform Daniel Tranel Commentary Pages: 177 - 178
Commentary on “Disclosure of Tests and Raw Test Data to the Courts” By Paul Lees-Haley and John Courtney Jeffrey T. Barth Commentary Pages: 179 - 179
Reply to the Commentary on “Disclosure of Tests and Raw Test Data to the Courts” Paul R. Lees-HaleyJohn C. Courtney Commentary Pages: 181 - 182