Ionization of aqueous benzoic acid: Conductance and thermodynamics Laurence E. StrongThomas KinneyPaul Fischer OriginalPaper Pages: 329 - 345
Osmotic and activity coefficients of aqueous bile salt solutions at 25, 37, and 45°C Patrick CarpenterSiegfried Lindenbaum OriginalPaper Pages: 347 - 357
The influence of correlation of molecular orientations and of molecular flexibility on excess volumes of mixtures of branched and linear alkanes H. KlunderC. L. de Ligny OriginalPaper Pages: 359 - 369
On pseudo-clathrate hydrate structure in aqueous solutions of tetrahydrofuran S. R. Gough OriginalPaper Pages: 371 - 375
Individual equivalent conductances of the major ions in seawater Alain PoissonMichèle PériéMarius Chemla OriginalPaper Pages: 377 - 394
Vibrational spectral studies of ion-ion and ion-solvent interactions. III. Zinc nitrate in water/acetonitrile mixtures Yu-Keung SzeDonald E. Irish OriginalPaper Pages: 395 - 409