Thermodynamics of mixed electrolyte solutions. VIII. An isopiestic study of the ternary system KCl−MgCl2−H2O at 25°C J. PadovaD. Saad OriginalPaper Pages: 57 - 71
Specific interactions including imidazolium andN-methylimidazolium lons. I. Interactions with the picrate anion H. CollaerM. C. Haulait-PirsonP. Huyskens OriginalPaper Pages: 73 - 80
On the self-association of the normal alcohols and the glass transition in alcohol-alcohol solutions Arnold V. Lesikar OriginalPaper Pages: 81 - 93
Ionic interactions in aqueous electrolyte-polyelectrolyte mixtures: Comparisons with mixtures of sodium chloride with the model electrolyte sodiumpara-ethylbenzenesulfonate at 25°C G. E. Boyd OriginalPaper Pages: 95 - 109
Ion-solvent interaction in nonaqueous solutions. II. Spin-lattice relaxation times of23Na and133Cs Yu. M. KesslerA. I. MishustinA. I. Podkovyrin OriginalPaper Pages: 111 - 115