Reexamination of the heat capacities obtained by flow microcalorimetry. Recommendation for the use of a chemical standard Jacques E. DesnoyersCees de VisserPatrick Picker OriginalPaper Pages: 605 - 616
Thermodynamics of transfer of hydrochloric acid from water to aqueous glucose at 25°C J. H. SternL. R. Beeninga OriginalPaper Pages: 617 - 619
The conductance of tetrabutylammonium salts in water-sulfolane mixtures at 30°C Giuseppe PetrellaMaurizio CastagnoloAngelo De Giglio OriginalPaper Pages: 621 - 629
Enthalpies of the urea-tert-butanol-water system at 25°C Jacques E. DesnoyersGérald PerronJean-Pierre Morel OriginalPaper Pages: 631 - 644
Oil-water partition coefficients from solvent activities R. F. Platford OriginalPaper Pages: 645 - 651
Spectroscopic studies of ionic solvation. XXI. A raman, infrared, and NMR study of sodium perchlorate solutions in nonaqueous solvents Mark S. GreenbergAlexander I. Popov OriginalPaper Pages: 653 - 665