Freezing points and related properties of electrolyte solutions. II. Mixtures of lithium chloride and sodium chloride in water H. Frank Gibbard Jr.Aly Fawaz OriginalPaper Pages: 745 - 755
The conductance of divalent Ions in H2O at 10 and 25°C and in D2O T. L. BroadwaterD. F. Evans OriginalPaper Pages: 757 - 769
Thermodynamics of the system H2O−NaCl−Na2SO4−MgSO4 to the saturation limit of NaCl at 25°C R. F. Platford OriginalPaper Pages: 771 - 780
H2O−D2O solvent isotope effect in the apparent molal volume and compressibility of urea J. G. MathiesonB. E. Conway OriginalPaper Pages: 781 - 788
Thermodynamic properties of alkali halides. IV. Apparent molal volumes, expansibilities, compressibilities, and heat capacities in urea-water mixtures Nicole DesrosiersGérald PerronJacques E. Desnoyers OriginalPaper Pages: 789 - 806