Theoretical calculations of the ionic strength dependence of the ionic product of water based on a mean spherical approximation Teresa VilarinoManuel E. Sastre de Vicente OriginalPaper Pages: 833 - 846
Volumetric behavior of aqueous NaF and KF solutions up to 350‡C and 30 MPa Vladimir MajerMarek ObšilJean-Pierre E. Grolier OriginalPaper Pages: 847 - 875
Volume and compressibility effects in the formation of metal-EDTA complexes Besik I. KankiaTheodor FunckVitaly A. Buckin OriginalPaper Pages: 877 - 888
Thermodynamics ofN,N,N-octylpentyldimethyl-ammonium chloride in water-urea mixtures R. De LisiB. MarongiuS. Porcedda OriginalPaper Pages: 889 - 911
Enthalpies of transfer of ubiquinone-0 from water to aqueous surfactant solutions at various temperatures M. CastagnoloP. FiniM. Trotta OriginalPaper Pages: 913 - 926