Excess volume of mixing and equation of state theories Julius PouchlýAnwei QinPetr Munk OriginalPaper Pages: 399 - 425
Excess and apparent molar volumes of mixtures of water and acetonitrile between 0 and 25°C N. van MeursG. Somsen OriginalPaper Pages: 427 - 436
Thermodynamic dissociation constants of salicylic and monochloroacetic acids in mixed solvent systems from conductance measurements at 25°C M. S. K. NiaziM. Z. I. Khan OriginalPaper Pages: 437 - 456
Thermodynamic properties of transition metals in aqueous solution: 3. The heats of mixing aqueous solutions of CdCl2, NiCl2 and ZnCl2 with NaCl at varying ionic strength at 25°C Donald R. SchreiberDe Von AndresSeyed Rahmani OriginalPaper Pages: 457 - 467
Solution equilibria of pyridinecarboxylic acids: Complexation reaction of 2-mercaptonicotinic acid-copper (II) complex with thiosalicylic acid Kamal A. IdrissMagda S. SalehElham Y. Hashem OriginalPaper Pages: 469 - 481
Excess thermodynamic properties of binary liquid mixtures containing dimethylsulfoxide at 30°C P. S. RaoM. C. S. SubhaG. N. Swamy OriginalPaper Pages: 483 - 487