Conformation and hydration of sugars and related compounds in dilute aqueous solution F. franksD. S. ReidA. Suggett OriginalPaper Pages: 99 - 118
Studies of hydrophobic bonding in aqueous alcohols: Enthalpy measurements and model calculations Harold L. FriedmanC. V. Krishnan OriginalPaper Pages: 119 - 140
Structure in aqueous solutions of nonpolar solutes from the standpoint of scaled-particle theory Frank H. Stillinger OriginalPaper Pages: 141 - 158
Raman spectra from partially deuterated water and ice VI to 10.1 kbar at 28°C G. E. Walrafen OriginalPaper Pages: 159 - 171
Solvation equilibria in very concentrated electrolyte solutions R. H. StokesR. A. Robinson OriginalPaper Pages: 173 - 191
Ionic association in hydrogen-bonding solvents D. Fennell EvansSister Mary A. Matesich OriginalPaper Pages: 193 - 216
The role of solvent structure in ligand substitution and solvent exchange at some divalent transition-metal cations E. F. CaldinH. P. Bennetto OriginalPaper Pages: 217 - 238
Nuclear magnetic relaxation and structure of aqueous solutions H. G. Hertz OriginalPaper Pages: 239 - 252
Structural aspects of aqueous tetraalkylammonium salt solutions Wen-Yang Wen OriginalPaper Pages: 253 - 276
Toward a model for liquid water Julian H. gibbsClaude CohenHarold Porosoff OriginalPaper Pages: 277 - 299
Concentrated electrolyte solutions at high temperatures and pressures E. U. Franck OriginalPaper Pages: 339 - 356