Seawater—A test of multicomponent electrolyte solution theories. I. The apparent equivalent volume, expansibility, and compressibility of artificial seawater Frank J. Millero OriginalPaper Pages: 1 - 22
Transference numbers for anhydrous methanol solutions at 10 and 25°C George A. VidulichGlenn P. CunninghamRobert L. Kay OriginalPaper Pages: 23 - 35
Enthalpies of alkyl sulfonates in water, heavy water, and water-alcohol mixtures and the interaction of water with methylene groups C. V. KrishnanHarold L. Friedman OriginalPaper Pages: 37 - 51
Glass-forming composition regions and glass transition temperature in nonaqueous electrolyte solutions E. J. SareC. A. Angell OriginalPaper Pages: 53 - 57
Models having the thermodynamic properties of aqueous alkaline earth halides and NaCl-MgCl2 mixtures Harold L. FriedmanAnne SmithermanRaffaella De Santis OriginalPaper Pages: 59 - 81
Heats of transport of some chlorides in H2O and D2O Jeong-Long LinMary Ann Christenson OriginalPaper Pages: 83 - 94