H2O−D2O solvent isotope effect in the volume behavior of some high-charge high-size electrolytes Luciano LeporiFrancesco Malatesta OriginalPaper Pages: 957 - 974
Thermodynamic characteristics of solvation of individual ions in ethanol at −50 to 55°C A. KolkerL. P. S. SafonovaG. A. Krestov OriginalPaper Pages: 975 - 994
Thermodynamics of transfer of polar additives from the aqueous to the dodecylsurfactant micellar phases S. CausiR. De LisiS. Milioto OriginalPaper Pages: 995 - 1018
Evaluation of dissociation constants of ammonium ion in aqueous lithium perchlorate and lithium chloride-sodium chloride mixed solutions Masunobu MaedaYoshiaki KinjoKaname Ito OriginalPaper Pages: 1019 - 1027
Enthalpies of solution and of crystallization of lithium nitrate and of lithium nitrate trihydrate in water at 25°C G. WolfV. VacekV. Pekarek OriginalPaper Pages: 1029 - 1039
Viscosities and thermodynamics of viscous flow of some binary mixtures at different temperatures Ines L. AcevedoMiguel Katz OriginalPaper Pages: 1041 - 1052
An update on the electrolytic conductivity values for the primary standard KCl solutions: Conversion to the ITS-90 temperature scale Y. C. WuW. F. KochR. L. Kay OriginalPaper Pages: 1053 - 1054