Determination of transference numbers with ion-selective electrodes. Transference numbers and activity coefficients of concentrated aqueous solutions of potassium fluoride Hermann WeingärtnerBernd M. BraunJutta M. Schmoll OriginalPaper Pages: 419 - 431
Spin and fluorescence label studies on bile salt micelles Hideo KawamuraMasahiro ManabeMitsuru Tanaka OriginalPaper Pages: 433 - 441
A potentiometric investigation of the hydrolysis of chromate (VI) ion in NaCl media to 175°C Donald A. PalmerD. WesolowskiR. E. Mesmer OriginalPaper Pages: 443 - 463
Volumes of mixing and the isomeric effect. Part I. Nonane Isomers withn-nonane andn-hexadecane Akl M. AwwadEtamed I. Allos OriginalPaper Pages: 465 - 474
Effect of cosolvent on alkaline hydrolysis of monomethyl ester of terephtalic acid. Experimental and theoretical investigations Ivan ČernušákValdislav Holba OriginalPaper Pages: 475 - 490
The PVT properties of concentrated aqueous electrolytes. VIII. The volume changes for mixing the major sea salts at an ionic strength of 3.0 from 5 to 95°C Leslie M. ConnaughtonFrank J. Millero OriginalPaper Pages: 491 - 502