Heats of solution of several freons in water from 5 to 45°C Hossein NaghibiD. W. OwnbyS. J. Gill OriginalPaper Pages: 171 - 179
Stability constants and thermodynamic data for complexes of 12-crown-4 with alkali metal and alkaline-earth cations in methanol solutions Hans-Jürgen Buschmann OriginalPaper Pages: 181 - 190
Dielectric spectroscopy on aqueous solutions of pyridine and its derivatives U. KaatzeC. NeumannR. Pottel OriginalPaper Pages: 191 - 204
Structural chemistry and solvent properties of dimethylsulfoxide I. D. Brown OriginalPaper Pages: 205 - 224
Conductance of 1:1 electrolytes in methyl formate E. PlichtaM. SalomonM. Uchiyama OriginalPaper Pages: 225 - 235
New data on the solubility of amorphous silica in organic compound-water solutions and a new model for the thermodynamic behavior of aqueous silica in aqueous complex solutions Jean-Louis DandurandJacques Schott OriginalPaper Pages: 237 - 256