A calorimetric study ofN,N-dimethylformamide complexes of copper(II) in acetonitrile Shin-ichi IshiguroBojana G. JeliazkovaHitoshi Ohtaki OriginalPaper Pages: 1 - 10
A new method for calculating activity coefficients of mixed electrolytes T. K. Lim OriginalPaper Pages: 11 - 20
The conductance of tetrabutylammonium lodide in toluene-acetonitrile mixtures at 15, 25, and 35°C N. PapadopoulosG. Ritzoulis OriginalPaper Pages: 31 - 37
Enthalpies of solution oft-butyl chloride and bromide and carbon tetrachloride and tetrabromide in alcohols R. M. C. GonçalvesA. M. N. Simoes OriginalPaper Pages: 39 - 43
Changes in partial molar volume and isentropic partial molar compressibility of self-association of purine and caffeine in aqueous solution at 1–1600 bar Ingrid StokkelandArne SkaugeHarald Høiland OriginalPaper Pages: 45 - 53
High pressure raman study of isotropic lineshapes of aqueous sodium nitrate solutions K. BakerJ. Jonas OriginalPaper Pages: 55 - 69
Polarizability and molecular radius of dimethyl-sulfoxide and dimethylformamide from refractive index data Petr Pacak OriginalPaper Pages: 71 - 77
Solubility of copper (I) bromide in aqueous solutions of potassium bromide James J. FritzEddie Luzik OriginalPaper Pages: 79 - 85