Binding constants and partial molar volumes of primary alcohols in sodium dodecylsulfate micelles R. DeLisiA. LizzioV. Turco Liveri OriginalPaper Pages: 623 - 648
Thermodynamics of electrolyte mixtures. Enthalpy and the effect of temperature on the activity coefficient Ramesh C. PhutelaKenneth S. Pitzer OriginalPaper Pages: 649 - 662
Conductance and ion association in dimethylsulfite E. PlichtaM. SalomonM. Uchiyama OriginalPaper Pages: 663 - 673
Thermodynamic properties of DCl in D2O solution from 5 to 50°C Y. C. WuW. F. KochG. Marinenko OriginalPaper Pages: 675 - 692
Importance of the Debye interaction in organic solutions: Henry's law constants for polar liquids in nonpolar solvents and vice versa J. Howard RyttingDanny R. McHanDavid J. W. Grant OriginalPaper Pages: 693 - 703