SANS study of alkyl polyoxyethylene sulfate micelles. Sodium dodecyl(oxyethylene)4sulfate in D2O at 25°C R. TrioloE. Caponetti OriginalPaper Pages: 377 - 386
Thermodynamics of tri- and pentabromide anions in aqueous solution R. W. RametteDonald A. Palmer OriginalPaper Pages: 387 - 395
Solute-solute-solvent interactions in dilute aqueous solutions. Microcalorimetric study of isomeric butanediols G. BorghesaniR. PedrialiI. Scaroni OriginalPaper Pages: 397 - 408
Densities and apparent molal volumes of aqueous concentrated calcium chloride solutions from 50 to 200°C at 20.27 bar Anil Kumar OriginalPaper Pages: 409 - 412
Critical comparison of empirical systems used to describe solvent properties Z. KęckiB. ŁyczkowskiW. Kołodziejski OriginalPaper Pages: 413 - 422
Salt effect on the dissociation constant of acid-base indicators Francesco SalvatoreDiego FerriRoberto Palombari OriginalPaper Pages: 423 - 431
Excess volumes of the binary mixtures of cyclohexane with isomers of hexanol at 25°C J. OrtegaM. I. Paz-AndradeF. Sarmiento OriginalPaper Pages: 433 - 438
Modified Raoult's law including the solvent structural constant and solute solvation; Aqueous sodium chloride solutions, 25 to 300°C; Other electrolytes and urea, 25°C William L. Marshall OriginalPaper Pages: 439 - 452