The apparent molar heat capacity of aqueous hydrochloric acid from 10 to 140°C Peter R. TremaineKim SwayJosé A. Barbero OriginalPaper Pages: 1 - 22
Mass action model for solute distribution between water and micelles. Partial molar volumes of butanol and pentanol in dodecyl surfactant solutions R. De LisiV. Turco LiveriA. Inglese OriginalPaper Pages: 23 - 54
Dielectric properties of electrolytes in 1-propanol B. GestblomS. C. MehrotraJ. Sjöblom OriginalPaper Pages: 55 - 68
Hydrodynamic approximation for distinct diffusion coefficients Harold L. FriedmanR. Mills OriginalPaper Pages: 69 - 80
Enthalpic interaction coefficients of formamides dissolved in N,N-dimethylformamide M. BloemendalA. H. SijpkesG. Somsen OriginalPaper Pages: 81 - 96